Thursday, February 25, 2010

How it works

Howdy! Today Im gonna show you how my blog works so when you're in a hurry u can just get to the advice quicker!
I always write readings from the girble in BLUE.
I write advice in LIGHT RED
I always write conclusions in LIME GREEN
I always write question of the week in PURPLE
Quick refrence: I always write quick refrence in ORANGE!!!
So thats How it works today!

Lemme Explain...

A reading from the 1st book of the Girble.
Thus says the girls, thou who loveth a boy shall not understand.
Thou who knoweth a boy shall not understand.
Thou who ignoreth a boy is wanted.
Thou who seek a boy is ignored.
Only members of the gentelman gender,
shall understandeth their daily pleasure.

So... didn't understand that?
Essentially is says that girls don't understand guys! No matter how long we study them there is always gonna be a cute boy who's a dud. Somone who just no matter how long the study is different. That is good, and bad. I mean, who doesn't want to understand guys? I know I will always be curious. But for those of you who cannot wait... Lemme explain!

If you are like, touchy touchy, you will get NO where with a guy.
Sometimes guys like to go after the girl they like. My straegy is to roll my eyes and walk away.
The dude will hate that! They will be all like "who does she think she is."
I know this sounds bad but trust me MOST guys like fiesty girls show aren't so "I love you Johnny!" ish.

So that's all for now but i'll be back soon to answer more questions.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Question of The Week (???)

Howdy all welcome to the question of the week today's question was wrote in a magazine! I totally hate what the people said.

"I like my piano lessons, so my mom started taking them, too.

I feel mad because piano was MY thing to do, and now she's doing it. I don't want her to

quit something she likes, but I really don't want her to play either."

The stupid magazine says " Your Mom has started a hobby that you also enjoy, but that doesn't mean she's competeing with you..."

My advice: OMG! You should like, be nice but you have to remember your mom may be older, but you have been playing longer so you know how to play, she doesn't have to tell you the value of a half note.
And another thing. Don't be in yo mamma's face saying "Oh your doing it all wrong"! Its like telling her how to make dinner or vaccume.
And so that's my advice!!!!
Stay tuned for more Question of the week(???)

Welcome to Girble

Girble is an advice column for girls written by girls! send your questions and if I don't get any I pull some out of magazines. Most magazines these days will only give you the adult answer. Like lets say someone wrote " My boyfriend wants to dump me what should I do?" well, the adult would say "Why do you have a boyfriend?" wth. So I will be correcting adults crappy mistakes!!!

From crushes to gushes Im the expert!